Your credit score & report. Always free, forever

It takes 3 minutes to join 20+ million people who trust ClearScore to help them improve their financial future

Your credit score and report. For free, forever.
Sign up in only 3 minutes.
Get exclusive access to top credit deals.

Why 20+ million choose ClearScore

It’s free and always will be

Your credit score and report

, made simple. Because knowledge is power.

Your key to financial freedom

Be the first to know about changes to your score and report. You’ll also get tips to help you improve and unlock better credit deals with lower interest rates.

Access to credit cards, loans and mortgages

We’ll help you use your credit score to find credit card, loan and mortgage deals you qualify for.

Learn how much cash back you could be earning

Easily see how much value you could get back in dollars from over 40 rewards credit cards!

Safe and secure

We use bank level security with 
256-bit encryption to keep your data secure.

Looking for a new credit card, loan or mortgage?

Our marketplace features credit deals from Canada’s leading lenders. So you’ll get to choose from the best our partners have to offer.

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Personalized offers

Get access to personalized recommendations for you across credit cards, loans, mortgages and more.

Apply with confidence

You’ll see your approval chances before applying for credit – so you can protect your credit score!

Your top rewards cards

Instantly see how much you’ll earn in everyday credit card rewards, plus how the rewards bonus’ add up.

Make your money work harder

Get exclusive access to top credit deals throughout the year, we’re talking bonus rewards, low-interest rates, and more - only available through ClearScore.

Why we’re putting you first

At ClearScore, we’re on a mission to help you get ahead in life by making finance clearer, calmer and easier to understand.